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SIC Code Search

Find Companies by SIC Code

Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC Codes) identify the primary industry of a business. Every business in North America is classified by an SIC Code, which are assign by the government when the business is first registered. As such, it is the most widely used system by US Government, public, and private organizations. SIC Codes can be selected by 2 digit, 4 digit and 6 digit. 2 digit SIC Codes are a broad categorization, 4 digit SIC Codes are more refined and 6 digit SIC Codes are even further refined.

To get started, simply click on any category below to find the industry best suited to your needs. You will be given the 2 digit SIC codes within that category. If you need to further your search, click on the 2 digit SIC Code and the 4 digit SIC Codes with that category will be provided. You can further refine your search by clicking on the 4 digit SIC Code to bring up the 6 digit SIC Codes.

If you have any questions or can’t find the SIC Code you are looking for, click on the chat button in the lower right corner and one of our list brokers will be happy to help!

Business List- SIC Code 5-WOOD PALLETS & SKIDS

6 digit SIC Code

Improve Sales with Targeted Business Lists

  • Your best way to reach new clients
  • We help you identify target industry codes
  • Professionals use SIC Codes to segment and research markets
  • Specialized for Direct Mailing, Phone and Email Marketing
  • Quickly identify best matching clients and suppliers. Research competitors
  • Standardized industry profiles by SIC code, with complete info